The History of Ice Cream
A Maze’n Farmyard offers affordable entertainment options to families through its many attractions. When families aren’t busy with the park’s riding ponies or 150-foot giant slide, they can enjoy a snack at the Snack Shop. Although the shop sells everything from pizza and hot dogs to nachos, ice cream remains its most popular item, and A Maze’n Farmyard has 16 different ice cream flavors.
The origin of ice cream dates back to somewhere between the 2nd century and 4th century BC. Although historians do not know who invented the popular dessert, they do know that it was enjoyed by numerous rulers. Alexander the Great enjoyed ice and snow mixtures that were flavored with nectar and honey, and Roman emperor Nero was also fond of eating fruit with ice from the mountains.
It is generally accepted that modern ice cream originated from a recipe that Marco Polo brought back from the Far East. Although this recipe more closely resembled sorbet, it is believed that it evolved into ice cream sometime in the 16th century. Around this same time, England also discovered, ice cream and it quickly became a common dish eaten by Charles I in the 17th century. For a time, ice cream was reserved for royals, but it was finally made available to the public around 1660.
Ice cream spread across Europe for several years before being introduced to the United States. The first letter referencing the dish was written in 1744, and historians believe that both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson frequently served ice cream to their dinner guests. In 1776, the first ice cream parlor in the United States opened in New York City, and makers began experimenting with new flavors in the 1800s.